12 Benefits and Uses of Argan Oil
Argan oil has been a culinary staple in Morocco for quite a long time — in light of its unobtrusive, nutty flavor yet additionally its wide cluster of potential medical advantages.
This normally happening plant oil is gotten from the parts of the product of the argan tree.
Albeit local to Morocco, argan oil is presently utilized over the globe for an assortment of culinary, restorative and therapeutic applications.
This article clarifies 12 of the most unmistakable medical advantages and employments of argan oil.

1. Contains Essential Nutrients
1. Contains Essential Nutrients
Argan oil is basically contained unsaturated fats and an assortment of phenolic mixes.
Most of the fat substance of argan oil originates from oleic and linoleic corrosive.
Roughly 29–36% of the unsaturated fat substance of argan oil originates from linoleic corrosive, or omega-6, making it a decent wellspring of this fundamental supplement.
Oleic corrosive, however not basic, makes up 43–49% of the unsaturated fat piece of argan oil and is likewise an extremely sound fat. Found in olive oil also, oleic corrosive is famous for its positive effect on heart wellbeing.
Also, argan oil is a rich wellspring of nutrient E, which is required for sound skin, hair, and eyes. This nutrient likewise has an amazing cancer prevention agent properties.
2. Has Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
The different phenolic mixes in argan oil are likely answerable for the greater part of its cancer prevention agent and mitigating limits.
Argan oil is plentiful in nutrient E, or tocopherol, a fat-dissolvable nutrient that fills in as a strong cancer prevention agent to decrease the harming impacts of free radicals.
Different mixes present in argan oil, for example, CoQ10, melatonin and plant sterols, additionally assume a job in its cancer prevention agent limit.
An ongoing report uncovered a huge decrease in incendiary markers in mice nourished argan oil before introduction to a profoundly fiery liver poison, contrasted with the benchmark group.
Furthermore, some exploration shows that argan oil can likewise be applied legitimately to your skin to decrease aggravation brought about by wounds or diseases Confided in Source.
Even though these outcomes are empowering, more research is expected to see how argan oil can be utilized restoratively in people to decrease aggravation and oxidative pressure.
3. May Boost Heart Health
Argan oil is a rich wellspring of oleic corrosive, which is monounsaturated, an omega-9 fat. Oleic corrosive is likewise present in a few different nourishments, including avocado and olive oils, and is regularly credited with heart-defensive impacts.
One little human examination noticed that argan oil was practically identical to olive oil in its ability to lessen coronary illness hazard through its effect on cell reinforcement levels in the blood.
In another little human examination, a higher admission of argan oil was related to lower levels of "terrible" LDL cholesterol and higher blood levels of cancer prevention agents.
In an examination of coronary illness chance in 40 solid individuals, the individuals who devoured 15 grams of argan oil day by day for 30 days encountered a 16% and 20% decrease in "terrible" LDL and triglyceride levels, separately.
Even though these outcomes are promising, bigger examinations are important to all the more likely to see how argan oil may bolster heart wellbeing in people.
4. May Have Benefits for Diabetes
4. May Have Benefits for Diabetes
Some early animal research indicates argan oil may help prevent diabetes.
Two studies resulted in a significant reduction in both fasting blood sugar and insulin resistance in mice fed a high-sugar diet alongside argan oil.
These studies largely attributed these benefits to the antioxidant content of the oil.
However, such results do not necessarily imply that the same effects would be seen in humans. Therefore, human research is needed.
5. May Have Anticancer Effects
5. May Have Anticancer Effects
Argan oil may slow the growth and reproduction of certain cancer cells.
One test-tube study applied polyphenolic compounds from argan oil to prostate cancer cells. The extract inhibited cancer cell growth by 50% compared to the control group.
In another test-tube study, a pharmaceutical-grade mixture of argan oil and vitamin E increased the rate of cell death on breast and colon cancer cell samples
Although this preliminary research is intriguing, more research is needed to determine whether argan oil could be used to treat cancer in humans.
6. May Reduce Signs of Skin Aging
6. May Reduce Signs of Skin Aging
Argan oil has quickly become a popular ingredient for many skincare products.
Some research suggests that dietary intake of argan oil may help slow the aging process by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.
It may also support the repair and maintenance of healthy skin when applied directly to your skin, thus reducing visual signs of aging.
Some human studies show argan oil — both ingested and administered directly — to be effective for increasing skin elasticity and hydration in postmenopausal women.
Ultimately, more human research is needed.
7. May Treat Some Skin Conditions
7. May Treat Some Skin Conditions
Argan oil has been a popular home remedy for treating inflammatory skin conditions for decades — especially in North Africa, where argan trees originate.
Although there’s limited scientific evidence supporting argan oil’s ability to treat specific skin infections, it is still frequently used for this purpose.
However, current research indicates that argan oil does contain several antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, which may be why it seems to treat skin tissue.
Keep in mind that more research is needed.
8. May Promote Wound Healing
8. May Promote Wound Healing
Argan oil may accelerate the wound healing process.
One animal study revealed a significant increase in wound healing in rats given argan oil on their second-degree burns twice daily for 14 days.
Although this data doesn’t prove anything with certainty, it does indicate a possible role for argan oil in wound healing and tissue repair.
That said, human research is needed.
9. May Moisturize Skin and Hair
9. May Moisturize Skin and Hair
The oleic and linoleic acids that make up the majority of argan oil’s fat content are vital nutrients for maintaining healthy skin and hair.
Argan oil is often directly administered to skin and hair but may also be effective when ingested.
In one study, both oral and topical applications of argan oil improved the moisture content of the skin in postmenopausal women.
Although there isn’t any research on the specific use of argan oil for hair health, some studies indicate that other plant oils with a comparable nutritional profile may reduce split ends and other types of hair damage.
10. Often Used to Treat and Prevent Stretch Marks
10. Often Used to Treat and Prevent Stretch Marks
Argan oil is frequently used to prevent and reduce stretch marks, although no research has been conducted to prove its efficacy.
In fact, there is no strong evidence that any kind of topical treatment is an effective tool for stretch mark reduction.
However, research does indicate that argan oil may help reduce inflammation and improve the elasticity of skin — which could be why so many people report success in using it for stretch marks.
11. Sometimes Used to Treat Acne
11. Sometimes Used to Treat Acne
Some sources claim argan oil to be an effective treatment for acne, although no rigorous scientific research supports this.
That said, argan oil’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds may support reduced redness and irritation of the skin caused by acne.
The oil also may contribute to skin hydration, which is important for acne prevention.
Whether argan oil is effective in treating your acne likely depends on its cause. If you struggle with dry skin or general irritation, argan oil may provide a solution. However, if your acne is caused by hormones, argan oil will not likely provide significant relief.
12. Easy to Add to Your Routine
12. Easy to Add to Your Routine
It is widely available in most major grocery stores, drug stores, and online retailers.
For Skin
Argan oil is usually used topically in its pure form — but also frequently included in cosmetic products like lotions and skin creams.
While it can be applied directly to your skin, it may be best to start with a very small amount to ensure that you won’t have any adverse reactions.
For Hair
You can apply argan oil directly to damp or dry hair to improve moisture, reduce breakage, or reduce frizz.
It is also sometimes included in shampoos or conditioners.
If it's your first time using it, start with a small amount to see how your hair responds. If you have naturally oily roots, apply argan only to the ends of your hair to avoid greasy-looking hair.
For Cooking
If you’re interested in using argan oil with food, look for varieties specifically marketed for cooking, or make sure you’re buying 100% pure argan oil.
Argan oil marketed for cosmetic purposes may be mixed with other ingredients that you shouldn’t ingest.
Traditionally, argan oil is used for dipping bread or drizzling on couscous or vegetables. It can also be lightly heated, but it is not appropriate for high-heat dishes as they can easily burn.
The Bottom Line
The Bottom Line
Argan oil has been used for centuries for a variety of culinary, cosmetic and medicinal purposes.
It is rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds.
Early research indicates that argan oil may help prevent chronic illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. It may also treat a variety of skin conditions.
While current research cannot definitively state that argan oil is effective for treating any of these conditions, many people report desirable results after using it.
If you’re curious about argan oil, it’s easy to find and start using today.